
News concerning the Brain, Body and Self Lab.

May 22nd-25th: Renzo gave a talk at the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) conference in Ghent, Belgium.

May 24th: A new study by Sara Coppi, Henrik Ehrsson, and Karin Jensen (Dept Clin Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet) describes how the rubber hand illusion can be triggered by laser activation of nociceptive C and Aδ fibers. Click here to read the article published in Pain.

May 16th: Renzo was invited to give a talk at the School of Psychology, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, in Santiago, Chile.

May 3rd. Finally out! Konstantina Kilten's methodological tour-de-force on the brain mechanisms of relearning sensory delays in self-generated touch has been published in Communications Biology. Click here to read.

April 24th. Dominika Radziun, a former PhD student in group, is awarded one of the five Glushko Dissertation Prizes for her doctoral thesis entitled "Body perception and brain plasticity in blind and sighted individuals". Click here to read more.

March 27th. Leaving dinner for Ryu Ohata and Dennis Larsson! Thanks for approximately three great years in the Brain, Body and Self Lab!

February 16th. How are wholeness and parts interconnected in bodily awareness? In a new study, O'Kane, Chancel and Ehrsson present experimental findings and a theoretical model suggesting that the sense of one's whole body as one's own is probabilistically inferred from the sense of ownership of individual body parts. Click here to read.

January 25th. Lab pizza at Stockholm's best Italian pizzeria, Capridue's Bakficka in Vasastan.


December 20th. A new study published in Behavioural Brain Research reexamines the claim that blind individuals are “immune” to the somatic (non-visual) rubber hand illusion and finds that the data supports this assertion. The work was done in collaboration with Marcin Szwed and Maksymilian Korczyk from Jagiellonian University. Click here to read more.

December 12th. Henrik Ehrsson will present an e-Seminar entitled 'Perception of Body Ownership: Psychophysics, Probabilistic Models, and Neural Mechanisms' for The Body Representation Network (BreNEt) on Tuesday, 12th December 2023, at 12:00 PM GMT. View the lecture here:

December 6th. Lab dinner with traditional Swedish Christmas Smörgåsboard (“julbord”) at restaurant Hasselbacken, Djurgården, Stockholm.

November 27th. A new neuroimaging study published in Cerebral Cortex! Heather Iriye, Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson report how the sense of own body shapes neural processes of memory encoding and reinstatement. Click here to read.

November 11th to 15th. Heather Iriye and Max Hauser presents posters at the Society of Neuroscience conference in Washington, D.C., USA.

November 8th. Heather Iriye has been awarded a project grant from the Swedish Research Council for the project 'The Body Self in Memory'. Click here to read more.

October 27th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a Helmholtz lecture at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Click here for link.

October 17th. In a new paper published in Brain, Laura Crucianelli, Arran Reader and Henrik Ehrsson provide an overview of subcortical regions that might be involved in the sense of body ownership, such as cerebellum & putamen,. Click here to read.

August 7th. Our pre-registered replication study on the rubber hand illusion and motor cortical excitability is now published in Brain and Behaviour. The results show that there is no change in motor-evoked potential amplitude during the rubber hand illusion. Click here to read.

June 20th. A new fMRI study published in Journal of Neuroscience describes the neural correlates of subtle temporal errors between the predicted and actual somatosensory feedback during self-touch. Click here to read.

May 26th. Dominika Radziun defends her PhD thesis entitled “Body perception and brain plasticity in blind and sighted individuals”. External examiner is Prof Brigitte Röder (University of Hamburg). Details about time and location and link to thesis click here.

May 25th. Prof Brigitte Röder (Department of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology, University of Hamburg ) visits the lab and give a departmental lecture (16:15, Eva & Georg Klein lecture hall, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Solna)

May 15th. Dr Dorothy Cowie (Durham University) visits the lab and give a seminar.

May 12th. On May 12th, Renzo Lanfranco, Marie Chancel, and Henrik Ehrsson published a study in the journal Cognition describing how the rubber hand illusion is associated with changes in body ownership sensitivity that depend on the information carried by the degree of asynchrony between correlated visual and tactile signals. To read the article, click here.

May 4th. A new study by Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson published in Cortex shows that proprioceptive uncertainty enhances the rubber hand illusion. Click here to read the accepted pre-proofs.

May 5th. Dominika Radziun “spikar” and prints her PhD thesis “Body perception and brain plasticity in blind and sighted individuals”. The thesis is published on KI Open Archive:

May 5th. Laura Crucianelli takes part to the Science Today event at the Nobel Prize Museum. The topic of the event is "The Human Body". More information and link to book the tickets here. Information regarding the event on the KI website here.

March 31st. A new article published in The Journal of Neuroscience by Zakaryah Abdulkarim, Arvid Guterstam, Zineb Hayatou, and Henrik Ehrsson describes the neural substrates of the sense of body ownership and the sense of agency during voluntary movement and their neural interactions. Click here to read.

March 23rd A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology finds that blind individuals are better than sighted at counting their own heartbeats. A collaboration with Szwed Lab at the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Poland. Click here to read.

March 22nd. We welcome Xiaole Luan to the lab! Ms Luan will work together with Renzo Lanfranco and Henrik Ehrsson on a project that uses psychophysics and EEG to investigate sensory information processing in the rubber hand illusion.

March 16th. A new article published in Exp Brain Res reports how the moving rubber hand illusion can be elicited by replacing real finger movements with mental motor imagery. Click here to download.

March 9-11th. Laura Crucianelli presented a poster at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) in Brussels, Belgium. More information here.

February 28th. A new article in collaboration with Szwed Lab (Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University) investigates the perception of affective and discriminative touch in blind individuals. Click here to read.

February 22nd. In a new article published in The Journal of Neuroscience, Zakaryah Abdulkarim, Arvid Guterstam, Zineb Hayatou, and Henrik Ehrsson used fMRI and a 2x2x2 factorial design to investigate the senses of body ownership and agency and their interaction in the rubber hand illusion elicited by finger movement. Click here to read.


November 30th. Henrik Ehrsson contributes a chapter on bodily illusions for the The Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness (eds. AJT Alsmith and Mattew Longo). Click here for the link to the book.

November 15th. A new article published in PLOS One finds that visuotactile correlations “dominate” visuovestibular correlations in illusory full-body ownership and self-motion sensations; a hierarchical Bayesian model is presented to explain how two pairs of bimodal correlations are combined multisensory own-body perception.. Click here to read.

November 12-16th. Mariano D′Angelo and Renzo Lanfranco present two posters at the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, US.

October 19th. In a new paper published in the Journal of Neurophysiology, Laura Crucianelli, Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson showed that the perception of tactile pleasantness at the individual level follows a stable negative quadratic function in both hairy & non-hairy skin. Click here to read.

October 17th. Dominika Radziun gives the talk "The perception of interoceptive signals in blind individuals" at the 12th Neuronus Neuroscience Forum in Kraków, Poland. Click here to read more.

October 12th New lab photo! From top left to bottom right we are: Zakaryah Abdulkarim, Dominikia Radziun, Renzo Lanfranco, Dennis Larsson, Laura Crucianelli, Sophie O'Kane, Heather Iriye, Henrik Ehrsson, Pawel Tacikowski, August Hägerdal, Sofiya Zbaranska, Ryu Ohata, Mariano D'Angelo, Sara Coppi, Martti Mercurio, Maximilian Hauser.

September 30th. A new preprint in collaboration with Szwed Lab (Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University) investigates the perception of affective and discriminative touch in blind individuals. Click here to read.

September 16th. Laura Crucianelli gives a talk as part of the symposium "Neurophysiological and behavioral indicators of interoceptive processing: how to identify and modulate them" at the 30th conference of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology and Cognitive Neuroscience (SIPF) in Udine, Italy. Read more here.

September 14th. Dominika Radziun gives an invited talk titled “The perception of interoceptive signals in blind individuals” at the Disability Research Division, Linköping University.

September 1st. Laura Crucianelli gives a talk as part of the symposium "Bodily and interoceptive dynamics and their roles in affective, linguistic and conscious processes" at the 22nd conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) in Lille, France. Read more here.

August 15th. In a new paper published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, Laura Crucianelli and Henrik Ehrsson discuss the role of the skin in interoception, with a particular focus on thermosensation. Read more here.

July 22nd. Laura Crucianelli and Henrik Ehrsson publish an article in Communications Biology. They show that visuo-thermal congruency between the seen and felt touch modulates the sense of body ownership. Click here to read the full article.

July 19th-22nd. Lab members Laura Crucianelli, Mariano D'Angelo, Heather Iriye and Dominika Radziun attend the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) conference in Vienna, Austria. More information here. Laura Crucianelli organizes and talks at the symposium "New challenges and frontiers in interoceptive research". Mariano D'Angelo, Heather Iriye and Dominika Radziun give talks.

July 12th-16th. Lab members Laura Crucianelli, Renzo Lanfranco and Dominika Radziun, and previous lab member Marie Chancel participate in the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) conference in Amsterdam, NL. More information here. Laura Crucianelli and Marie Chancel give short talks. Renzo Lanfranco and Dominika Radziun present posters.

July 4th-9th. Laura Crucianelli and Dominika Radziun attend the "Neuro-imaging, Neuro-oncology and Neuro-science Summer School" on Lipari Islands, organized by Sano Science Brain & More Lab and the University of Pennsylvania. Dominika Radziun presents a poster. More information here.

May 26-29th. Laura Crucianelli attends the convention of the Association for Psychological Science in Chicago, USA. Click here for more information. Laura organized and chaired a symposium titled "Real bodies in a real world: Multisensory and embodied signatures of self-environment interactions". As part of the symposium, she gave the talk "Visuo-thermal interoceptive signals modulate the sense of body ownership". She was also the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Ambassador at the session "Uncovering the secrets of graduate school: The grant process".

May 19th. Laura Crucianelli, Adam Enmalm and Henrik Ehrsson show that interoception should be conceptualised as independent cardiac, thermosensory, nociceptive, and affective touch perceptual submodalities. Read the article published in Biological Psychology here.

May 10th. Renzo Lanfranco, Xavier Job and Laura Crucianelli giving a talk at the event Pint of Science at the Bagpiper's Inn Pub, Rörstrandsgatan 21.
More information here:
The event is free but it requires registration:

May 5th. In collaboration with Szwed Lab (Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University), Dominika Radziun and colleagues show that blind individuals are better than sighted in sensing their own heartbeats. Click here to read the preprint.

April 13th. In a new preprint, Laura Crucianelli, Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson investigated the prevalence, reliability, and stability of the negative quadratic function to describe the relationship between velocity of touch and tactile pleasantness at the individual level across skin types. Click here to read.

April 6th. Laura Crucianelli gives an invited talk titled “The homeothermic self: Understanding the role of touch and temperature in body ownership” at the Department of Psychology, School of Human and Community Development, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

April 1st. Dennis Larsson re-joins the lab as a postdoc to work on bodily self-unity on our advanced ERC grant. Dennis is in the process of finalizing his Ph.D. thesis from the University of Sussex, where he conducted studies on cardiac interception with Prof. Sarah Garfinkel (now at ICN, UCL).

March 30th. Laura Crucianelli and Dominika Radziun attend the first Interoception Preconference of the Society for Affective Science. Laura gives a flash talk titled "An interoceptive take on touch and thermosensation" and Dominika presents a poster. Click here for more information.

March 29th. Konstantina Kilteni (Touch & Tickle Lab) and Henrik Ehrsson publishes an article in iScience presenting behavioural evidence that predictive tactile attenuation and tactile gating are different perceptual phenomena. Click here to read the article.

March 16th. Dominika Radziun gives the talk "Cardiac interoception and affective touch sensitivity are enhanced in the blind" at the 9th MindBrainBody Symposium organised by Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. Click here to read more.

March 3rd. In a new preprint, Laura Crucianelli and Henrik Ehrsson propose thermosensation as a model of skin-mediated interoception. Click here to read.

February 25th. Dominika Radziun presents a poster at The Brain Conference 2022. Click here to read more.

January 28th. Our commentary in collaboration with Katerina Fotopoulou (UCL), Mathew Longo (Birkbeck, University of London), and Manos Tsakiris (Royal Holloway, University of London) on trait suggestibility and rubber hand illusion is finally out in Nature Communications after almost 16 months after our original submission (with only minor revisions and two positive external reviewers). Click here to read.


December 28th. Dominika Radziun, Laura Crucianelli, and Henrik Ehrsson show that short-term visual deprivation does not enhance cardiac interoception, thermosensation, or tactile spatial acuity. Read the article published in Biological Psychology here.

December 10th. Lab-Christmas-lunch! Swedish “julbord”.

December 8th. Heather Iriye and Henrik Ehrsson show how the perceptual illusion of body ownership within immersive realistic environments improves memory accuracy and re-experiencing. Read the article published in iScience here.

December 3rd. A new preprint investigates the effect of short-term visual deprivation on discriminative touch, cardiac interoception, and thermosensation. Click here to read.

November 19th. We announce a new postdoc position for work on the ERC-funded Self-Unity project! Application deadline January 16. Click here to read more.

November 11th. PhD Student Sara Coppi presents her poster at the Society for Neuroscience conference held online. The title of the poster is: "The multisensory integration between nociception and vision in the rubber hand illusion". SfN virtual, 8-11 November 2021.

October 26th Former lab member Dr Arvid Guterstam visits the lab and give a talk at the Cognitive Neuroscience club. Arvid has just returned from a successful postdoc at Princeton University to set up his own lab at the Division of Psychology at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience. Click here to read about Arvid’s new group.

October 21st. Leaving-reception for Marie Chancel, who, after four-and-a-half years in the lab, is leaving us to move back to France and take up a position at the University of Grenoble, starting on January 1st, 2022. We wish her all the best in the future and thank her for her time in the BBS-lab!

October 13th. Laura Crucianelli gives a lunch seminar at the Division of Psychology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute. The talk is titled “The homeothermic self: The role of touch and temperature in the sense of body ownership”. Click here for more information.

September 31st. A new study in collaboration with Loretxu Bergouignan and Lars Nyberg describes how the visual perspective during encoding influence the visual perspective adopted during retrieval of autobiographical episodic memories. Click here to read the article published the Journal of Cognitive Psychology.

September 30th. Laura Crucianelli gives an invited talk at “The sense of Touch” webinar, the First International Women in Neuroscience Parma Workshop. More information here.

September 28th. We welcome the fifth guest speaker of the Cognitive Neuroscience Club, Dr Satu Palva (University of Helsinki, Finland), "Large-scale neuronal dynamics and connectivity in visual cognition". More information here.

September 24th. Laura Crucianelli takes part in the European Researchers' Night (ForskarFredag2021), a public science outreach event in Stockholm. Click here to read more.

September 22nd. Patrick Haggard visits our lab and gives a departmental lecture (irl) entitled “Free will in the human brain?”

September 15th. We published a new behavioral experiment on the rubber hand illusion published in Exp Brain Res. We describe that the illusion is maintained for a least 20 seconds after the brush stroking stops and that subjective ratings and drift show a similar time course in slow decay. Click here to read.

September 6th. The rubber hand illusion does not slow down fast reactions, according to a new study published in Eur J Neurosci. Click here to read.

September 4th. Chenggui Fan's experiments on the supernumerary rubber hand illusion are finally published in J Exp Psychol:HPP. The final version includes additional analyses, new figures, and extra discussion paragraphs compared to the preprint released in early 2021. Still, the main findings and conclusions are the same. Click here to read.

September 1st. PhD Student Sara Coppi presents her poster at the 1st International Conference on Phantom Limb Pain (ICPLP). The title of the poster is: "Nociceptive, visual and proprioceptive signals' multisensory integration influences body ownership". 31st August 2021 - 2nd of September 2021, virtual.

August 31st. A new study in Eur J Neuroscience investigates the hypothesis that action observation might involve simulating the predicted sensory consequences of the observed action via the recruitment of central motor simulation mechanisms and presents evidence against this hypothesis. Click here to read.

July 12th: Lab members Laura Crucianelli, Marie Chancel and Sara Coppi presented posters and short talks at the 3rd meeting of the Body Representation Network (BRNet3).

June 26th: Laura Crucianelli gives the talk "Tactile interoceptive signals modulate the sense of body ownership", invited as part of the Symposium Characterizing bodily self-awareness from touch to action, at the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)

June 15th: We welcome the fourth guest speaker of the Cognitive Neuroscience Club, Dr Florian Schmiedek (DIPF Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt am Main, Germany), "Short-Term Within-Person Variability of Working Memory Performance in Everyday Life: Individual Differences, Couplings with Affect, and Relations to Long-Term Change". More information click here.

June 14th-17th. We present four short talks at the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness meeting (ASSC24) in Tel-Aviv/Cyberspace. First authors are Marie Chancel, Heather Iriye, Renzo Lanfranco, and Dominika Radziun. Also check out former lab member Konstantina Kilteni's talk. Click here for more information.

June 11th. Dominika Radziun gives a PhD-half-time seminar "Body ownership beyond visual perception: neuroimaging and behavioural studies on blind and sighted populations". Click here for more information.

June 2nd. In a new preprint we report how the sense of body ownership in the rubber hand illusion can be quantitatively predicted by uncertainty-based inference of a common cause; a collaboration with Prof. Wei Ji Ma at New York University. Click here to read.

May 25th: We welcome the third guest speaker of the Cognitive Neuroscience Club, Dr Gavin Buckingham (University of Exeter, UK), "Grasping the virtual world". More information click here.

May 18th: Laura Crucianelli gives the invited talk "The role of skin-mediated interoceptive signals in the sense of body ownership" at the Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience lab, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, invited by Professor Salvatore Maria Aglioti.

April 27th: We welcome the second guest speaker of the Cognitive Neuroscience Club, Dr Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry (KU Leuven, Belgium), "Sensory and motor functions that are preserved with aging". More information click here.

April 27th. Laura Crucianelli gives the invited talk "Interoceptive contributions to the sense of body ownership" as part of the Cognitive-Neuro Departmental Seminars at University of Essex, United Kingdom.

April 19th Dr. Renzo Lanfranco starts as a postdoc in the BBS—lab IRL. Dr. Lanfranco was awarded his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Edinburgh, UK.

April 14th. A new psychophysics study published in Cognition investigates the integration of temporally precise sensory predictions and afferent tactile feedback in the rubber hand illusion. Click here to read the accepted uncorrected proof (online first).

April 12th. Dr. Ryu Ohata starts as a postdoc in the lab. Dr. Ohata has previously conducted postdoctoral research with Prof. Imamizu at the Department of Psychology, University of Tokyo, Japan.

March 31st: We welcome the first guest speaker of the Cognitive Neuroscience Club, Dr Ella Striem-Amit (Georgetown University, USA), "Sensorimotor-independent brain representations in association cortices". More information click here.

March 29th. Dr. Mariano D´Angelo starts his postdoc in our group. Mariano has previously completed his Ph.D. at the Department of Psychology, University of Bologna and Birkbeck, University of London.

March 5th. A new BioRxiv-preprint investigates the possibility to use a new thermal matching task to probe interoception. Click here to read.

February 25th. Laura Crucianelli gives the invited talk 'Interoceptive contributions to the sense of body ownership' as part of the Psychology Departmental Seminar Series at Goldsmiths, University of London.

February 11th. A new study investigates the subjective experience of the rubber hand illusion. Click here to read.

February 9th. A. new preprint finds no evidence for somatosensory attenuation during action observation of self-touch. Click here to read.

January 26th. A new study investigates the effect of varying the number of stimulated body parts in the full-body ownership illusion. Click here to read.

January 14th. SVT documentary “Hjärnan” features experiments from the lab including the illusion of owning a mannequin's body. See 33:55 into episode 5. Click here to watch.


December 9th. A new study published in Royal Society Open Science reports an illusion of owning two entire bodies of strangers simultaneously. The study also explores possible ways of inducing a sense of self-location at two different places by various perceptual “teleportation” procedures. Click here to read more.

November 15th. A new BioRxiv-preprint presents evidence that somatosensory attenuation sensory gating are distinct phenomena. Click here to read.

October 26th. Laura Crucianelli wrote a piece for the popular science magazine Aeon, titled 'The need to touch'. Click here to read the article.

September 29th. Swedish public service television (SVT) visits the lab to film illusions and do interviews for the upcoming second season of the science documentary "The Brain" (Hjärnan). The host, psychiatrist, and author Anders Hansen tested six different illusion paradigms. Will be sent next spring.

September 1st. Our study on body sex-change illusion and effects on gender identity gender-stereotypical beliefs is now out in Scientific Reports. Click here to read.

August 27th. Our study on discriminating body ownership in a two-alternative forced-choice task is now out in Atten Percept Psychophys! Click to read the online first here.

August 26th. Our new study published in iScience instigates the link between body ownership and self-concept. During illusory body-swapping with a friend, beliefs about the self and about the friend became more similar. The illusion also influenced recognition memory. Click here to read the paper and here to access the press release.

August 26th. Zakaryah Abdulkarim defends his PhD thesis entitled “Limb ownership and voluntary action: human behavioural and neuroimaging studies”. External examiner is Chris Dijkerman, Utrecht University, Netherlands. Click here to read the announcement and here for the zoom link.

August 19th. Pawel Tacikowski gives an invited talk titled “The link between self-concept and own body perception” as part of Polonium Webinars series. Click here to read more.

July 27th: Laura Crucianelli has been interviewed as part of the series Italian researchers abroad, of the online magazine OggiScienza. Read the interview (in Italian) here.

July 13th-14th. Maximilian Hauser presents a poster on his research into reality monitoring and body ownership at the first ever virtual FENS-meeting.

July 13th-14th. Marie Chancel presents her poster entitled “Vision-elicited tactile predictions contribute to body ownership: evidence from psychophysics and the rubber hand illusion” at the virtual FENS-meeting.

July 7th: Listen to Laura Crucianelli talking about interoception, body ownership and affective touch as part of The Dissenter series here.

July 6th: Read the piece that Laura Crucianelli wrote for the Karolinksa Institute Career Blog: I got the fellowship! What now? From Perfectionism to Submission to Success.

May 27th. We present a psychophysics two-alternative forced choice discrimination task to register body ownership in the rubber hand illusion in a rigorous and unbiased way. The results show that the rubber hand illusion is a genuine perceptual illusion and reveal new insights into the basic multisensory integration principles that determine body ownership. Read the PsyArXiv preprint by Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson here.

May 1st. Funded by a starting investigator grant from the Swedish Research Council and an assistant professor position grant from Karolinska Institutet, Konstantina Kilteni is starting her group as a principal investigator at the Department of Neuroscience. Konstantina and her team will be based in the same corridor (4D) in Biomedicum as the Brain, Body, and Self laboratory, the Klingberg group and the Ullén group. Click here and here to read more.

February 27th. Laura Crucianelli gives an invited talk as part of the Departmental Seminar Series for Psychological Sciences at the University of Liverpool.

February 21st. The paper by Kilteni, Engeler and Ehrsson on the important role of efference copy in the attenuation of self-touch during active movement is out in iScience. Click here to read.

February 4th. Laura Crucianelli has been awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. Click here to read more.

January 23rd. A new bioRxiv pre-print presents conclusive evidence in favor of the existence of the supernumerary rubber hand illusion. Click here to read the manuscript.

January 20th. A new OSF preprint reports how the rubber hand illusion does not influence the capacity to execute simple finger movements Click here to read.

January 14th. A new study investigates the link between the sense of one's own body and the sense of one's own gender using a body-sex change illusion. Click here to read the bioRxiv pre-print.


December 12th. Lab "julbord" (traditional Swedish Christmas foods) at resturant Mr French in Stockholm.

December 6th. Functional interactions between somatosensory cortex and cerebellum mediate sensory attenuation of self-produced touch, according to a new study published in Journal of Neuroscience. Click here to read the electronic publication ahead of print.

November 18th. New article in eLife demonstrates that the attenuation of self-generated touch is adaptive. Click here to read more.

October 30th. A new BioRxiv preprint reports how the attenuation of self-touch is greater for active movement compared to passive movement, showing that efferent copy plays a crucial role for sensory attenuation. Click here to read.

October 24th. Konstantina Kilteni recieves a prestigeous Starting Grant from the Swedish Research Council to conduct research on neurobiological basis of self-generated tactile predictions. Click here to read more.

October 19-23rd. Konstantina Kilteni and Arran Reader present posters at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA. Click here for time and place, and to read the abstracts.

October 18th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a talk "Functional connectivity between the cerebellum and the somatosensory areas reflects the attenuation of self-generated touch" at the Advances in Motor Learning & Motor Control 2019 symposium. Click here for more information.

October 16th. Henrik Ehrsson discusses the role of multisensory integration in body ownership in a new book chapter in the upcoming book "Multisensory Perception: From Laboratory to Clinic" (eds. K. Sathian, V.S. Ramachandran) from Academic Press: Elsevier. Click here to read.

October 14th. Patrick Engeler is back in the lab to start a three months internship as part of his master's thesis in Biomedicine at Karolinska Institutet.

October 10th. Lab social: beers, ping-pong and darts!

October 9th. Laura Crucianelli gives an interview to a popular science podcast, Medicinvetarna. Click here to listen.

October 5th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a talk titled "Rapid learning and unlearning of sensory delays in self-generated movements: Psychophysics and fMRI" at the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2019. Click here for more information.

October 4th. A new article by Arran Reader and Henrik Ehrsson describes how the loss of hand ownership does not influence the capacity to execute rapid finger movement. Read the article published in PLOS ONE here.

October 3rd. Henrik Ehrsson is ranked as the 9th most cited and productive researcher in Sweden in the area of Medicine & Life Science according to the magazine Fokus. Click here to read.

October 1st. Sara Coppi presents a poster at the StratNeuro Retreat 2019 - "From Basic to Translational Neuroscience". Click here for more information about the meeting.

September 27th. Konstantina Kilteni, Heather Iriye, Laura Crucianelli, Maximilian Hauser, Sophie O'Kane, Dominika Radziun and Sara Coppi take part in ForskarFredag2019, a public science outreach event in Stockholm! Click here to read more.

September 26th. Arran Reader and Laura Crucianelli publish a commentary article in the Journal of Neuroscience on the recent study by Spengler et al. on the proposed role of the amygdala in mediating the sense of body ownership. Read the commentary here and the original article here.

September 11th. Henrik Ehrsson and Marie Chancel publish a commentary article in PNAS on the recent study by Fang et al on Bayesian Causal Inference in body ownership. Read the commentary here and the original article here.

September 9th. Sara Coppi is now registered full-time PhD student at the Department of Neuroscience. Her projects will tentatively investigate links between body ownership and pain perception, and her supervisors are Henrik Ehrsson and Karin Jensen.

September 6th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk entitled “Neural Mechanisms of Body Ownership: Electrocorticography Studies” as part of the FESN2019 symposium “The Body in the Brain” organized by Chris Dijkerman and Francesca Garbarini, Milano, Italy. Link here to conference.

July 10th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a talk at the Progress in Motor Control Conference in Amsterdam. Click here for more information.

June 3rd. Another new photo of the group! From left to right: Nora Preuss, Heather Iriye, Victoria Trifonova, Sara Coppi, Marie Chancel, Konstantina Kilteni, Arran Reader, Henrik Ehrsson, Maximilian Hauser, Dominika Radziun, Zakaryah Abdulkarim, Ryota Kondo, Martti Mercurio, Patrick Engeler, Chenggui Fan, Linnea Pavenius, Sophie O'Kane and Laura Crucianelli.

May 31st. A new bioRxiv preprint by Kilteni and colleagues reports how the sensory attenuation of self-generated touch is adaptive. Follow this link to read and provide feedback to the corresponding author.

May 24th. New lab photo! From the left to right: Victoria Trifonova, Dominika Radziun, Henrik Ehrsson, Sara Coppi, Laura Crucianelli, Patrick Engeler, Heather Iriye, Arran Reader, Zakaryah Abdulkarim, Konstantina Kilteni, Marie Chancel, Maximilian Hauser, Sophie O'Kane, Zineb Hayatou, Birgit Hasenack and Chenggui Fan.

May 21st. Konstantina Kilteni gives a popular science talk at the science festival Pint of Science. The talk is titled “Why can't you tickle yourself?”. Click here for more information.

May 1st. “Short-term visual deprivation boosts the flexibility of body representation”, an article by our PhD student Dominika Radziun, becomes one of the Top 100 (most read) Scientific Reports articles in Neuroscience in 2018. Click here to see the list and here to read the article.

April 24th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a lunch seminar at the Division of Psychology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute. The talk is titled “Behavioural and neural mechanisms of somatosensory attenuation”. Click here for more information.

April 8th-9th. Konstantina Kilteni presents a poster at SWC Workshop - Predictive Processing in the Brain at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, London, UK. Click here for more information about the event.

April 1st-2nd. We present four posters at the From Skin to Self Workshop at UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in London, UK. The presenters are Arran Reader, Laura Crucianelli, Sophie O'Kane and Sara Coppi. Click here for more information about the event.

March 11th. Heather Iriye (University of Sussex) joins the lab as a new postdoc.

March 9th. Henrik Ehrsson and Laura Crucianelli speaks at two symposia held at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Paris, France. Henrik will participate in the ICPS Integrative Science Symposium entitled “How Changing Our Bodies Changes Our Selves” (9th March, 08:30am, click here), and Laura will speak at the symposium “Bodily Pleasure and the Self: Experimental, Pharmacological, and Clinical Studies on Affective Touch” (9th March, 10:00am click here ).

March 9th. Henrik Ehrsson will also give a methodological workshop on body illusions at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Paris, France. Click here to read more about the workshop.

February 18th. A new study published in PLOS ONE reports how that the magnetic touch illusion and the rubber hand illusion are dependent on concurrent visual and tactile stimulation, and that visually induced tactile expectations alone are insufficient to elicit these illusory phenomena . Click here the read the article by Arvid Guterstam, Dennis Larsson, Hugo Zeberg and Henrik Ehrsson.

January 26th. International food party for the lab with friends!

January 24th.Arran Reader’s new OSF-preprint reports how reductions in own hand ownership do not interfere with rapid index finger abduction, suggesting that the motor system may not be reliant on a subjective sense of ownership over the body in order to generate movement. Follow this link to read and provide feedback to the corresponding author.

January 22nd. (until the 28th). We are rebuilding of office spaces with more walls and doors. Good bye “open office space”, welcome traditional office plan!


December 27th. A new behavioural study by Nora Preuss and Henrik Ehrsson describes how visuo-vestibular congruence can elicit a full-body ownership illusion. Click here to read the article published in J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform.

December 19th. Christmas “julbord” (Smorgasbord) for the lab at the Medieval restaurant “Sjätte Tunnan” in the Old Town.

December 18th. Department of Neuroscience's Christmas Party.

November 30th. We are now on Twitter! Follow the The Brain, Body, and Self Lab here.

November 30th. Inauguration Karolinska Institutet Biomedicum. As one of six young promising researchers from Biomedicum Konstantina Kilteni was invited to give an oral presentation entitled “Why we can't tickle ourselves and what cognitive neuroscience can do about it”. Click here to find out more about the event:

November 29th. A new ECoG study reveal how ownership of a seen limb is reflected in neuronal population firing in premotor–intraparietal areas and shed light on the dynamic neural interplay between primary sensory and multisensory areas in the process of attributing ownership to one's limbs. Click here to read the Cerebral Cortex article.

November 12th. Three new team members join the Brain, Body and Self Laboratory! Laura Crucianelli (University College London) and Maximilian Hauser (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) are postdocs, and Birgit Hasenack (University of Maastricht) will conduct a nine month internship for her master's thesis.

November 6th. Dinner at El Agave (San Diego Old Town) with members of the lab and friends.

November 3rd-7th. We present eight posters at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego, USA. First authors are Marie Chancel, Arvid Guterstam, Chenggui Fan, Konstantina Kilteni, Sophie O'Kane, Pawel Tacikowski, and Björn van der Hoort and Nora Preuss. Click here for time and place, and to read the abstracts.

October 31st. Body ownership influences the sense of self-orientation, according to a new study by Nora Preuss and colleagues published in Scientific Reports. Click here to read the article.

October 24th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lunch seminar at the section for psychology at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute. Click here for more information.

October 12th. Dominika Radziun present the poster ‘Short-term visual deprivation boosts the flexibility of body representation’ at The Blind Brain workshop, Lucca, Italy. Click here to read more.

October 4th. Dominika Radziun starts as a PhD student in the lab. She will study body representation and cross-modal plasticity.

October 4th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a Biomedicum Seminar. Where: at the main auditorium in Biomedicum at 4pm.

September 26th. Giacomo Rizzolatti visits the lab and tries out some illusions. Click here to see him try the full-body ownership illusion with Sophie O'Kane, here for the moving rubber hand illusion with Zakaryah Abdulkarim and here for the three-arm-illusion with Chenggui Fan.

September 21st. Konstantina Kilteni gives an invited lecture at Pompeu-Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, entitled “Computational principles of the attenuation of self-generated touch”. Host: Prof. Salvador Soto-Faraco

September 18th. Konstantina Kilteni gives an invited lecture entitled “Computational principles of the attenuation of self-generated touch” at the University of Barcelona. Host is Mel Slater.

September 14th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a conference talk (“Computational principles of the attenuation of self-generated touch”) at the 7th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy.

September 12th. Arran Reader chairs his organised symposium, “Beyond the video: naturalistic approaches to examining social motor behaviour”, at the International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy.

September 7th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a invited lecture at University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. The title of the lecture is “Computational principles of the attenuation of self-generated touch” and the host Dr Spyros Polychronopoulos.

September 6th. Pawel Tacikowski gives a oral presentation at the Open Self Conference in Berlin. Click here to read more.

July 10th. Auditory cues modulate the rubber hand illusion, according to a new study published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Click here to read the article.

July 9th. Konstantina Kilteni present the poster “Cerebellar activity reflects the attenuation of self-touch” on 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany. Authors Konstantina Kilteni and H. Henrik Ehrsson

July 9th. Christian Houborg presents the poster “Sensorimotor recalibration reverses the temporal constrains of somatosensory attenuation” at the 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany. Authors: Konstantina Kilteni, Christian Houborg and H Henrik Ehrsson.

June 21st. A new study published in PLOS ONE investigates the links between body satisfaction, illusory obesity, and psychological vulnerability to develop eating disorders. Click here to read the article.

June 16st. Marie Chancel gives a conference talk (“a new psychophysical paradigm to quantitatively assess body ownership in the rubber hand illusion paradigm”) at the 19th International Multisensory Research Forum, Toronto, Canada.

May 16th, Nora Preuss gives a seminar entitled “Vestibular contributions to body ownership” at the Section for Psychology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet.

May 8th. The lab moves to Biomedicum!

May 1st. Konstantina Kilteni presents the poster “Cerebellar activity reflects the attenuation of self-touch” (authors Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson) at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Santa Fe, USA.

April 30th to May 14th. The whole lab is packing, unpacking, and moving to a new laboratory building. We are leaving the “Retzius laboratory” to move into the ultra modern Biomedicum building (click here for more information).

April 24th. According to a new study published in Nature Communications, motor imagery of self-touch produce the same sensory attenuation as real self-touch. Click here to read.

April 19th. A new study published in Scientific Reports describes how two hours of blindfolding boosts the proprioceptive drift in the somatic rubber hand illusion. Click here to read the article.

April 19th. Henrik Ehrssons gives a departmental lecture at the Department of Psychology, Universität Trier, Germany.

April 18th. Henrik Ehrssons gives a lunch seminar at the Section of Psychology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. The seminar starts at 1200 and is held in the main conference room, Nobels väg 9, plan 4. Click here to read more.

April 12th. New study published in Psychological Science demonstrates that mental imagery can recalibrate the senses and induce the same cross-modal plasticity as real sensory stimuli. Click here to read the article and here to read the press release from the journal.

April 7th. Lab social: Beers and karaoke night!

April 6th. Henrik Ehrsson is awarded an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. Click here to read.

March 24th-26th. Cognitive Neuroscience meeting in Boston, USA. Nora Press gives a “flash-talk” and present a poster.

February 12th. Sophie O'Kane is formally registered as a PhD student at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet.

January 30th. A new study published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General reports how tool use changes the spatial extension of the magnetic touch illusion. Click here to read.


December 21st. In a new study published in Experimental Brain Research, Zakaryah Abdulkarim and Henrik Ehrsson report differences in the recalibration of hand position sense during unconscious active and passive movements. Click here to read.

December 18th. Department Christmas Party. Martti wins the prize for best photo shot!

December 15th. Lab Christmas Party with “julbord”!

December 5th. Henrik Ehrsson receives a Distinguished Professor grant from the Swedish Research Council. The grant provides long-term strategic funding for the lab.

November 30th. Marie Chancel receives a two year postdoc grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation.

November 9th. Nora Preuss is awarded a two year postdoc grant from the David and Astrid Hagelén foundation.

November 3rd. The lab goes laserdome!

October 17th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a talk entitled "Computational principles of the attenuation of self-generated touch" at Advanced Telecomunications Research Institute International (ATR), Seika Science City, Japan.

October 16th. Sophie O'Kane starts as a PhD student in the lab! Sophie has just finished her master's thesis in Neuroimaging for Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience at the The University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

October 13th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a seminar at the Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet) in Osaka, Japan.

October 3rd-5th. Henrik Ehrsson and Konstantina Kiltieni give presentations at the 44th Naito Conference on Decision Making in the Brain, Sapporo, Japan. Click here to read more. On October 5th Henrik Ehrsson co-chair the session “Body, Action and Self” with Shinsuke Shimojo; speakers: Shimojo, Ehrsson, Fotopoulou, Imamizu and Sirigu.

September 29th. Konstantina Kilteni and Nika Radziun demonstrates the rubber hand illusion at the “ForskarFredag2017”, a public science outreach event in Stockholm! Click here to read more.

September 26th. Chenggui Fan starts as research assistant in the lab. He will work on experiments with Henrik Ehrsson about body ownership. Chenggui Fan has a master's degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China.

September 15th. Arvid Guterstam is awarded the The Dimitris N. Chorafas Prize for his PhD thesis on the neural mechanisms of the sense of bodily self. Click here to read more.

September 5th. David Boardman starts a four-month internship for his master thesis in Clinical Medicine at Lund University. His supervisors are Pawel Tacikowski and Henrik Ehrsson.

August 17th. A new article published in eLife shows how body ownership promotes visual awareness in the binocular rivalry paradigm. Click here to read.

July 17th. A new study published in PNAS demonstrates how body ownership influences the attenuation of self-generated tactile sensations. Click here to read the article, and here to listen to a Swedish radio report about the study.

July 26th. Pawel Tacikowski will give a talk at a VR workshop in Marburg.

July 3rd. Marta Marciniak (from University of Warsaw) starts as a summer-internship student in the lab. Marta is working with Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson on force attenuation experiments.

June 25th-29th. Arvid Guterstam presents a poster at the Human Brain Mapping conference in Vancouver, Canada.

June14th. New lab photo! From the left to right: Nora Preuss, Zakaryah Abdulkarim, Nika Radziun, Christian Houborg, Henrik Ehrsson, Pawel Tacikowski, Björn van der Hoort, Laufey Brynjarsdottir, Evelina Husén, Hanna Eneqvist, Marieke Weijs, Dennis Larsson and Martti Mercurio.

June 7th-9th. The second Nordic Neuroscience meeting in Stockholm. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk and the lab presents four posters (Zakaryah Abdulkarim, Konstantina Kilteni, Nika Radizun and Laufey Brynjarsdottir). Click here to read more:

June 5th. Evelina Husén (Biomedicine, Karolinska Institutet) starts as a summer-internship student in the lab. Evelina's project investigates agency and the multisensory representation of the hand, and her supervisors are Zakaryah Abdulkarim and Henrik Ehrsson.

May 22nd. Hanna Eneqvist (Neuroscience BSc at the University of Edinburgh) starts as a summer-internship student in the lab. She will work with Björn van der Hoort and Henrik Ehrsson on a project investigating the interplay between visual perception and body representation.

May 19th. Biomedicum pub and party for whole KI. See some pictures here and here

May 11th. Arvid Guterstam gives a talk at the contemporary art museum Färgfabriken, as part of the seminar ‟Expanded Societies”. Click here

April 27th. Hand-held tools attenuate self-touch just like real fingers do, according to a new behavioural study published in Cognition. Click here to read.

April 26th. The BBS-lab & friends escapes the Escape Room Stockholm!

April 21st. Björn van der Hoort will defend his thesis entited "Body-ownership and visual perception". External examiner: Dr. Nicholas Holmes, University of Nottingham, UK. The public defence will start 1pm in Hillarpsalen, Retzius väg 8, Karolinska Institutet.

March 31. Henrik Ehrsson is awarded the Göran Gustafsson prize in Medicine. The prize includes 4,5 million SEK in research funding for the lab. Click here to read more.

March 10. A new study measures the onset time of the moving rubber hand illusion. Click here to read.

February 27nd. Dominka Radziun joins the lab again, now for a 6 month Master's thesis internship. Nika is studying at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Her supervisor is Henrik Ehrsson.

February 6th. Marieke Weijs and Christian Houborg start their six month internships for their Master's theses in Cognitive Neuroscience (Utrecht University) and Neuropsychology (Aalborg University), respectively. Marieke's supervisors are Pawel Tacikowski and Henrik Ehrsson and Christian's are Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson.

January 23rd. A new neuroimaging study published in Cerebral Cortex dissociates the neural substrate of conceptual self-awareness from perceptual awareness and unconscious self-processing. Click here to read.

January 23rd. Dr. Marie Chancel joins the lab as a new postdoc.

January 10th. A new study published in Scientific Reports demosntrates that the contents of imagined sounds changes their cross-modal effect on visual perception. Click here to read.

January 3rd. Dennis Larsson starts a six month internship for his Master's thesis in Cognitive Science at Umeå University. His supervisors in the lab are Arvid Guterstam and Henrik Ehrsson.


December 19th. A new study published in PNAS describes how the rubber hand illusion can be elicited by direct electrical stimulation of the primary somatosensory cortex. Click here to read.

December 16th. BBS-lab "julbord."

December 14th. Department of Neuroscience Christmas party.

December 5th. A new psychophysics study from our group demonstrates how auditory motion elicits a visual motion aftereffect. Click here to read.

November 30th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lecture at the Department of Psychology, Techniche Universität, Dredsden.

November 25th. Konstantina Kilteni gives a talk at the Laboratory of Neuromotor Physiology, Fondazione Santa Lucia, Institute for Research and Health Care. The title of her talk is: "Towards unravelling the principles of attenuation of self-generated touch." Click here for more information.

November 21st. Henrik Ehrsson receives The Hans Wigzell Research Foundation's Science Prize. Click here for more information.

November 12th. Our lab give five presentation at the Society for Neuroscience 2016 meeting in San Diego. Posters are presented by Christopher Berger, Arvid Guterstam, Konstantina Kilteni and Björn van der Hoort.

November 1st. Laufey Brynjarsdottir starts a nine-month internship for her master thesis in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience at Maastricht University. Her supervisors are Nora Preuss and Henrik Ehrsson.

October 27th. Björn van der Hoort gives a seminar at the Cognitive Neuroscience seminar series at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. 4pm at seminar room Tellus, Retzius väg 8.

October 19th. Arvid Guterstam gives a seminar at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University. Click here for more info.

September 1st. Joanna Szczotka (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland) starts a three-month internship is our lab. Her supervisors are Arvid Guterstam and Henrik Ehrsson

October 13th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a seminar at the Scandinavian center for Orofacial Neurosciences (link: http://www.sconresearch.eud) at Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet The seminar starts at 12:00.

October 12th. The way we perceive our bodies directly triggers neural responses which can lead to body dissatisfaction, BBS-lab researchers have found in a new study published in Cerebral Cortex. Click here to read.

October 6th. A new study published in Scientific Reports shows how the sense of body ownership influences the visual perception of object size even under conditions where the participants experience having an invisible body, which eliminates any effects from seeing a body. Click here to read.

October 5th. Henrik Ehrssons gives a lecture at Nanyang technological University in Singapore as part of the symposium "East-West Connections: Grand Challenges in Brain, Cognition and Good Life Research". Click here for more information.

October 3rd. The "Barbie-doll illusion" developed in our lab is featured in David Byrne's new art exhibition in New York, "The Institute Presents: Neurosociety" at Pace Gallery's Menlo Park branch. Click here to read the article in the New York Times.

August 30th. Brand new lab photo! From the left to right: Nora Preuss, Pawel Tacikowski, Christopher Berger, Arvid Guterstam, Henrik Ehrsson, Martti Mercurio, Konstantina Kilteni, Björn van der Hoort, Jens Fust, Zakaryah Abdulkarim.

August 26th. Arvid Guterstam defends his PhD thesis entitled "Multisensory mechainsms of body ownership and self-location". The external examiner is Olaf Blanke (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland).

August 25th. Olaf Blanke (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) visits the lab and gives a departmental lecture (5pm, lecture hall Hillarp, Retzius väg 8).

August 10th. The new article by Guterstam, Zeberg, Özçiftci, and Ehrsson published in Cognition is the most downloaded paper in the last 90 days.

July 14th. A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology shows that the processing of conceptual self-related information is cognitively effortless and could easily co-occur with additional mental tasks. Click here to read.

July 4th. Henrik Ehrsson gives an oral presentation at the FENS2015 symposium entitled "The neuroscience of body consciousness", Copenhagen. More information here.

June 28th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk a the 28th Annual Conference of the Academia Europea held at Cardiff University, Wales, UK.

June 24th. Invisible "magnetic force fields" can provide a perceptual correlate of periopersonal space according to a new study published in the journal Cognition. Click here to read.

June 21st. Henrik Ehrsson gives an invited talk at the Institute of Cognitive Neurology Annual Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

June 18th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the ASSC 20th conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Click here.

June 15th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the 2016 IMRF meeting in Suzhou, China. Click here to read more.

June 10th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a seminar at the Institute of Neuroscience (ION) of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, Shangai, China.

June 7th. Benjamin Andersson starts his summer internship in the lab.

June 3rd. Christopher Berger defends his thesis entitled "Where Imagination Meets Sensation: Mental Imagery, Perception, and Multisensory Integration". The external thesis examiner ("opponent") is Professor Shinsuke Shimojo from Caltech, California, USA. Time and place: Hillarpsalen, Retzius vä 8, 9am.

June 2nd. Prof Shinsuke Shimojo (Caltec, USA) visits the lab and gives a departmental seminar (4pm, seminar room Tellus, Scheeles väg 1).

June 1st. Dominika Radziun starts her summer-internship in the lab.

April 26th. Henrik Ehrsson give a departmental seminar at the Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, USA. Click here to find out more.

April 15th. The "Invsible man study" (Guterstam, Abdulkarim, and Ehrsson) published in Scientific Reports (April 23rd 2015) becomes one of the top 100 read Scientific Reports articles in 2015. Specifically, "in the 99th percentile (ranked 2nd) of the 1,075 tracked articles of a similar age in Scientific Reports".

April 9th. Henrik Ehrsson give a keynote lecture at the "Forum des sciences cognitives 2016" meeting in Paris, France. Click here to read more.

March 28th. Henrik Ehrsson's talk on TEDxGothenburg from December last year is published on Youtube. Click here to watch the clip.

March 18th. Henrik Ehrsson give an invited lecture at the "Basics to Clinics Conference 2016"; a conference organised by the PhD students at the Karolinska Institutet that brings scientists from basic and clinical research together Click here to read more.

March 17th. Henrik Ehrssons give an invited lecture at the "Svenska Psykiatrikongressen 2016" in Stockholm, Sweden. Click here to read more.

February 29th. A new study published in Consciousness and Cognition investigates describes how preferential processing of self-relevant information occurs mainly at the perceptual and conscious stages of information processing. Click here to read.

February 12th. A delegation of Japanese scientists working in the fields of neuro-rehabilitation, robotics, IT, and neuroscience visited our lab and gave talks (Dr Oouchida, Dr. Inamura, Dr. Hamasaki, Dr Unenaka, and Dr Shibuya). Click here to see a photo of the workshop dinner at Grands Verandan in Stockholm.

February 1st. Dr. Nora Preuss starts as a new postdoc in the lab!

January 26th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lecture at the "NUS, UCL, KI Neuroscience Workshop 2016" in Singapore. Click here to read more.


December 18th. A new study in Scientific Reports describes how illusions of owning entire artificial bodies can be elicited in mirrors. Read the article here.

December 18th. BBS-lab Christmas-dinner!

December 7th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a TEDx talk in Gothenburg, Sweden (

November 11th. A new behavioural study published in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics investigates the hypothesised link between subjective changes in limb ownership and proprioceptive drift in the rubber hand illusion. Click here to read the paper.

November 7th. The lab is featured in a new documentary by National Geographic entitled "More than human". Click here to see Paul Giamatti try out the moving rubber hand illusion and here to see him try out the Barbie-doll illusion.

November 5th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the INC Day 2015: Virtual Reality and Neuroscience, Neuroscience and Cognition, Paris France.

October 17-21st. The BBS lab presents two posters at the Society for Neuroscience conference in Chicago, USA.

October 14th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the Oxford Cyberselves Symposium, University of Oxford, UK.

October 2nd. Jens Fust starts his master project in Psychology working with Pawel Tacikowski and Henrik Ehrsson.

September 16th. Professor Mathew Rushworth (Dept. Exp. Psychol. University of Oxford) visits the lab and gives a departmental seminar.

July 3rd. A new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience describes how illusory self-location can be read out from activity patterns in the hippocampus. Click here to read the article.

June 29th. Josefin Ivarson (KI) starts her summer intership in our lab as part of the Karolinska Research Preparatory Course for medical students ("FoLäk").

June 14-18th. The BBS lab presents four posters at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (Gentile, Guterstam, Preston, and Tacikowski).

June 9th. Maria Reingardt (KI) starts a summer internship in our lab.

May 29th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lecture at the "Centre of Psychiatry Research (CPF)" at the Karolinska Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, entitled, "Two Legs, Two Arms, One Head. Who am I?: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Body-Self Perception". Held from 12:00-13:00 at the Department of Psychiatry, Chronholmssalen, Karolinska Hospital.

May 25th. Catherine Preston gives a Stockholm Brain Institute seminar entitled, "Functional interactions between perceptual and affective body representations in the brain: implications for eating disorder vulnerability in the brain." here at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Insitutet.

May 17-20th. Henrik Ehrsson and Christopher Berger participate in a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia conference entitled, "Combining Information from Multiple Modalities Across the Animal Kingdom," Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia, USA. Henrik gives a lecture and Chris presents a poster.

May 15th. Catherine Preston's lab-leaving-dinner! On July 1st Catherine is taking up a lecturer position at the Psychology Department at York University.

May 15th. David Byrne (from Talking Heads) visits the lab and tries out some of our experiments.

May 7th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the 11th Warsaw International Medical Congress in Warsaw, Poland.

April 30th. Illusory out-of-body experiences decoded from distributed patters of brain activity. Click here to read the new study in Current Biology.

April 23rd. A new study published in Scientific Reports describes the illusion of having a invisible body and how this influences social cognition. Click here to read.

April 15th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk at the Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück, Germany.

April 9th. Paul Giamatti visits the lab and test the "Barbie-doll illusion," the "mannequin illusion with a female mannequin," and the "moving rubber hand illusion," as part of an American TV science production set to air later this year.

March 13th. Catherine Preston gives a talk at the International Convention of Psychological Science conference titled "Functional interactions between perceptual and affective body representations in the brain: implications for eating disorder vulnerability." Click here to read more.

March 5th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk at The Centre for the Study of the Senses, hosted by the Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Click here to read more.

February 27th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a seminar at Oculus Rift R&D, Seattle, USA.

February 19th. Itzhak Fried (Department of Neurosurgery, UCLA, USA) visits the lab and tries out some of our illusions.

February 1st. Dr. Konstantina Kilteni joins the lab as new postdoc. She comes from the EVENT-lab in Barcelona (

January 28th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk at the Annual Swedish National conference for fellows in psychiatry, Göteborg, Sweden.

January 12th. Björn van der Hoort gives a PhD-half-time seminar "The effect of body size on visual perception and autobiographical memory."

January 9th. A new fMRI study published in Neuroimage decodes full-body illusion percepts from activity patterns in the premotor cortex. Click here to read more.


December 12th. BBS-lab "julbord".

December 3rd. Department of Neuroscience Christmas-party.

October 12th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk at a "Journée Jean- Louis Signoret" symposium entitled "Body representations and somatic delusions" at the Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris France.

October 8th. A new study published in The Journal of Neuroscience pinpoints the brain mechanism of the mental imagery-induced ventriloquist illusion. Click here to read.

October 3rd. A new study in Consciousness and Cognition investigates the spatial constraint of the moving rubber hand illusion. Click here to read.

October 23rd. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the 2nd Virtual embodiment and robotic re-embodiment (VERE) PhD Symposium, Barcelona, Spain. Click here to read more.

October 1st. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the 12th Biannual Meeting of the German Cognitive Science Society, Tuebingen, Germany. Click here to read more.

September 23rd. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the 2nd National PhD Conference in Neuroscience, Stiklestad, Norway. Click here to read more.

September 22nd. Henrik Ehrsson gives a seminar at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

September 11th. Jeff Ojemann from the University of Washington Medical Centre, USA, visits the lab.

June 11th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a seminar at the Psychology Department at Stockholm University. Click here to read more.

May 11th. New study published in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics reports how ownership of different-sized bodies rescales the visual representation of external space. Click here to read.

April 11th. Andreas Kalckert defends his this thesis entitled "Moving a rubber hand - the sense of ownership and agency in bodily self-recognition". The external reviewer ("opponent") is Prof. Manos Tsakiris from the Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, London UK.

April 10th. Prof. Manos Tsakiris from the Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, visits the lab and give a departmental seminar entitled "Body-conscious? Yes but in what way(s)?"

April 2nd. The moving rubber hand illusion revisited! Click here to read the new article coming out in Consciousness and Cognition.

March 10th. A new study in PNAS demonstrates how illusory out-of-body experiences produce memory impairments of natural events. Click here to read.

March 6th. Christopher Berger has his PhD-half time seminar.

February 27th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a Distinguished Professor Lecture at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain and the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Link

February 14th. Catherine Preston gives a lunch seminar at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet. Host: Professor Per Sšdersten.

January 31st. Henrik Ehrsson gives a seminar entitled 'Multisensory mechanisms of body self-perception' at the Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics.

January 21st. A new study published in PLoS One reports links between body size perception and body satisfaction (Preston & Ehrsson). Click here to read the report.


December 17th. Traditional Swedish Christmas-smörgåsboard ("julbord") for the lab at the restaurant Tyrol at Gröna Lund in Stockholm.

December 6th. Giovanni Gentile successfully defends his this thesis entitled "Investigating the multisensory representation of the hand and the space around it using FMRI". The external reviewer ("opponent") was Prof Jody Culham from the Brain and Mind Institute, Western University, Canada.

December 5th. Prof. Jody Culham visits the lab and give an open lecture at the department entitled "Decoding of human hand and tool actions using functional magnetic resonance imaging".

November 9-14th. The BBS-lab is presenting five abstracts (Berger, Bergouignan, Brozzoli, Gentile, & van der Hoort) and one oral presentation (Guterstam) at this year's Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego, USA.

October 24th. Henrik Ehrsson is installed as professor at the Karolinska Institutet.

October 3rd. Henrik Ehrsson gives an "Inspirational Lecture" for the undergraduates at the Karolinska in the "Meet the Professors Series." Click here to watch

September 25th. Prof. Pascal Fries (Ernst Strüngmann Institute, Frankfurt, Germay) visits the BBS-lab and gives a lecture at the department entitled "Synchronization and attention: Brain-wide and cell-type specific".

September 5th. A brain imagining study published in Current Biology reveals a shared representation of the space near oneself and others. Click here to read. Click here to read the press-release.

August 22nd. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the 2013 ACM Symposium on applied perception at Trinity College, Dublin, Irland. Link.

August 14th. A new study is published in The Journal of Neuroscience about limb disownership and the associated changes in activity in multisesory brain areas. Click here to read.

July 4th Loretxu Bergouignan gives the talk "Modulating the narrative self: from behavior to fMRI" at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, in Donostia

June 27th. A new study published in Current Biology describes the effects of mental imagery on multisensory perception. Click here to read the paper.

July 10th. Henrik Ehrsson is a keynote speaker at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, in Stockholm, Sweden. Click here for link.

May 31st. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk at the Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebingen, Germany.

May 30th. Lab dinner - and lab photo!

May 29th. Claudio Brozzoli give a "Research in Progress" talk at our department entitled "Neural bases of peripersonal space in humans".

May 15th. Claudio Brozzoli participates in the symposia "Close to my body: Multisensory perspectives on peripersonal space" at Institute of Philosophy, University of London. The title of his talk is "Peripersonal Space: a multisensory interface for the interactions between the body and the external world".

April 26th. Arvid Guterstam has his PhD-half time seminar.

April 26th. Dr. Christian Döller (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) visits the lab and gives a departmental talk entitled "Cellular cognition: from spatial coding to mnemonic networks". To read more about Dr. Döllers research click here.

April 18th. Henrik Ehrsson give a talk at Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, USA. click here for link.

April 11th. The invisible hand illusion is featured on Swedish National TV (Aktuellt). Click here to read the press-release.

April 7th. Henrik Ehrsson participants in a symposia at the British Neuroscience Annual meeting (BNA2013) in London. For link click here.

February 26th. A new study in The Clinical Journal of Pain describes a new version of mirror therapy that can reduce phantom limb pain. Click here to read the paper.


December 19th. Departmental Christmas party organized by the cognitive neuroscience corridor (Klingberg, Ullen and Ehrsson labs).

November 15th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk at "Forsknings och Framstegs seminariedag om hjärnan" at hotel Rival in Stockholm. Click here for the program.

October 21st. Leaving dinner for Alexander Skoglund.

October 16th. A new study published in The Journal of Neuroscience describes how the brain represents space near one's own hands. Click here to read the paper.

October 15th. Martti Mercurio starts work as a new research engineer in our lab.

October 13-17th. The lab presents five posters (Berger, Brozzoli, Gentile, Schmalzl, van Duinen, Guterstam) and one oral presentation (Ehrsson) at the 2012 Society for Neuroscience meeting New Orleans, USA. Click here

September 19th. Prof. Edvard Moser visits the lab.

September 12th. Prof. John Dylan-Haynes visits the lab and gives a department lecture on "Brain reading".

September 5th. Dr. Claudio Brozzoli gives a talk in the symposium "Neural bases of peripersonal space in the primate brain" organized by Prof. E. Làdavas and Dr A. Serino. This symposium is part of the 5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: "Space and Embodied Cognition", in Rome, September 4-8, 2012. Click here.

September 1st. Dr. Pawel Tacikoswki starts as a new postdoc in the lab! Click here to learn more about his previous research.

July 24th. Dr. Hiske van Duinen presents a poster entitled "A moving motor homunculus at rest? Dynamic representations of intrinsic hand muscles with different arm postures" at the "International Motoneuron Meeting - Motoneurons and beyond" on the 23-26 of July 2012, in Sydney. Click here.

June 17th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote lecture at the EMBO Fellows Meeting 2012 in Heidelberg, Germany.

June 10th-15th. BBS-lab presents four posters at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping conference in Beijing, China (Brozzoli et al.; Gentile et al.; Guterstam, et al.; Petkova & Björnsdotter et al.). Click here to read more.

May 30-31st. BBS-lab retreat at Visby, Gotland, Sweden. Click here for some photos.

May 29th. Giovanni Gentile gives his half-time PhD seminar entitled "The multisensory representation of peripersonal space" (1000-1200, Tellus B2:2, Retziuslab).

May 29th. Prof. Johan Wessberg (University of Gothenburg) visits the lab and gives a seminar.

May 28th. Andreas Kalckert gives his half-time PhD seminar entitled "Our hands - Tools of the mind" (1000-1200, Tellus B2:2, Retziuslab).

May 21st. Dr. Oliver Sacks visits our lab.

Click here to see him try the out-of-body illusion, the moving rubber hand illusion, the three-arm illusion, the manniquin full-body illusion, and the Barbie-doll illusion.

May 10th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a oral presentation ("Multisensory Mechanisms of Owning an Entire Artificial Body") at the symposium "On the perception of the body from the inside to the outside" (organized by Longo & Tsakiris) at the 2012 ESCAN meeting in Marseille (click here).

May 8th. Laura Schmalzl gives an invited talk ("Manipulating phantom limb sensations using multisensory illusions") at the Nordiskt tvärfackligt forum för dysmeli och armamputationer, Örebro, Sweden.

April 18th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a talk at the Department of Psychology, Standford Univeristy, USA.

April 13th. Henrik Ehrsson gives talk at the Institute of Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Berkeley, University of Carlifornia, USA. Click here to read more.

March 14th. A new study published in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience describes how ownership and agency of a model hand can be dissociated during the rubber hand illusion. Click here to read.

March 12th. Björn van der Hoort is officially registered as a PhD student at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet.

March 1st. New paper published in Consciousness and Cognition shows how the real body is "disowned" during the out-of-body illusion. Click here to read.

February 15th. First lab social of the year: Food, beer, and ping-pong!

February 1st. Dr. Ehrsson give a keynote lecture at the Annual Meeting of "Fysiologföreningen" at the Karolinska Institutet.

January 11th. First weekly lab meeting of the year.

**** 2012 ****

December 16th. Traditional Swedish Lab "Julbord".

December 14th. Christmas party at the department!

December 7th. Nature Magazine writes a feature article on Dr. Henrik Ehrsson featuring several of the recent illusions from our lab. Click here to read.

December 5th. Claudio Brozzoli gives a Stockholm Brain Institute seminar entitled "Peripersonal space" (12-noon to 1 pm at Tellus seminar room, Retzius väg 5).

December 2nd. Valeria Petkova defends her thesis entitled "Do I need a body to know who I am? Neural mechanisms of body ownership"--click here for pdf. External opponent: Prof. Michael Graziano (University of Princeton, USA).

December 1st. Michael Graziano (Unveristy of Princeton, USA) visits the lab and gives a lecture (4pm; title TBA).

November 16th. Laura Schmalzl gives a lunch seminar at the Karolinska Psychology unit "Manipulating the perceived position of limbs (and phantom limbs) using a full-body illusion" (12-noon and 1pm in the library (4th floor) at Fogdevreten 2).

November 15th. Hjärnkontoret airs a show at 16:45 on SVTV featuring several illusions filmed in our lab.

September 1st. Dr. Catherine Preston starts as a postdoc in the lab.

August 25th-26th. Dr. Ehrsson participates in the Alback Technology Forum and gives a talk at the "Frontier technologies-a gateway to the future" seminar, organized by the European Research Council (Chair ERC president Prof. Hedvig Nowotny)(Click here for photo).

August 17th. Our internal Wednesday lab sminar starts!

August 11th. Dr. Hugo Spiers, University College London, visits the lab and gives a departmental seminar. Link to his lab here.

July 14th. Prof. Dennis R. Proffitt from University of Virginia, USA, visits the lab and gives a seminar. Link to his work here.

July 12th. Björn van der Hoort starts as a research student in the lab.

June 26th - 30th. The HBM 2011 conference at Québec City, Canada. We have three poster presentations (Brozzoli, Bergouignan, & Petkova), one slide presentation (Bergouignan) and one symposium (Ehrsson; click here).

June 17th. New paper in Current Biology identifies neural correlates of full-body ownership. Click here for the PDF.

June 15th. New publication about near-personal space is coming out in The Journal of Neuroscience. Click here for the PDF.

June 15th. Lab photo taken!

Pictured here from left to right: Henrik Ehrsson, Andreas Kalckert, Alexander Skoglund, Sofia Fröman, Loretxu Bergouignan, Hiske van Duinen, Laura Schmalzl, Arvid Guterstam, Claudio Brozzoli, Malin Björnsdotter, Giovanni Gentile (Not shown: Valeria Petkova and Christopher Berger).

June 10th - August 22nd. Erik Thomke and Zakaryha Abdulkarim conduct summer interships in our lab as part of the Karolinska Research Preparatory Course for medical students ("LÄFO").

May 30th. The New York Times link and Science Magazing link report on the "Being Barbie" illusion.

May 27th. Karolinska Institute's Press and Reuters come to film the "Being Barbie" illusion. Click here to see some of the footage on YouTube.

May 25th to May 28th. Henrik Ehrsson participates in the Alfred Nobel Symposium "Machines, Molecules, Minds" organized by the Nobel Foundation.

May 25th. New paper published in PLoS One: "Being Barbie: the size of one's own body determines the perceived size of the world." (Van der Hoort, Guterstam, & Ehrsson, 2011; download it from Publications). May 20th. Arvid Guterstam give a public talk at Forskning & Hälsa i Kungsträdgården.

May 13th. Valeria Petkova gives an oral presentation at the 2011 NIH Karolinska Institute Graduate Partnership Program in Neuroscience Symposium.

May 9th. Henrik gives a talk at Neuroimage Nord (director: Christian Buchel), Hamburg, Germany

May 6th. Arvid Guterstam and Valeria Petkova give oral presentations at the concurrent session 28 'Body Consciousness' at Towards a Science of Consciousness Conference at Stockholm University (click here). Henrik Ehrsson gives a lecture at the same conference (click here).

April 14th. Offical lab anthem announced The Gospel of the Rubber Hand (text & music Ola Hermansson). To listen to the song click » mp3

April 12th - 13th. Henrik Ehrsson give a talk at the Social Brain symposium at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge UK. For more information visit click here.

April 2nd to 5th. Loretxu Bergouignan, Laura Schmalzl, and Henrik Ehrsson gives presentations and the Cognitive Neuroscience meeting in San Francisco.

April 1st. New paper published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Schmalzl & Ehrsson 2011; download it from Publications).

March 6th. A new paper is published in Frontiers of Psychology: Petkova VI, Khoshnevis M and Ehrsson HH (2011) The perspective matters! Multisensory integration in ego-centric reference frames determines full-body ownership. (download it from Publications).

March 1st. Reuters visits the lab and film the three-arm illusion. To see the clip click here click here.

February 23rd. New publication in PLoS One on owning of a third arm: Guterstam, Petkova and Ehrsson. 'The illusion of owning a third arm'. Read the press release here click here or check out the Scientific American report here click here .

February 23rd. New publication in PLoS One on owning of a third arm: Guterstam, Petkova and Ehrsson. 'The illusion of owning a third arm'. Read the press release here click here or check out the Scientific American report here click here .

February 20th. Henrik Ehrsson gives the lecture "Cognitive Neuroscience of Body Self-Perception" at the AAAS meeting in Washington as part of the seminar "Molecules to Mind: Challenges for the 21st Century". For more details visit click here.

February 8th. Dr. Catherine Preston (University of Nottingham) visits the lab and give a seminar "When is our body not our body?".

February 1st. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lecture at Collège de France as part of a seminar series organized by Stanislas Dehane.

January 19th. Dr Steffen Landgraf (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany) visits the lab and gives a seminar entitled "Spatial Cognition and Psychopathology - A Dimensional Model"

January 17th. Malin Björnsdotter starts as new postdoc, and Sofia Cruz-Ferreira Fröman starts a six months master project in the lab!

January 9th to 16th. FENS Winter-school in Obergurgl organized by Lemon and Rizzolatti. Brozzoli, van Duinen and Kalckert and Ehrsson participates. For more details check go here click here.

**** 2010 ****

December 17th. Lab Christmas Smörgåsbord.

December 14th. Department Christmas Party!

December 10th. ÔHow we come to experience that we own our bodyÕ seminar at Advanced Telecommuniction Research Institue International (ATR) Brain Information Communication Research Laboratory Group, Hikaridai Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan.

December 8th. New fMRI study on multisensory integration in the premotor and intraparietal cortex published in Journal of Neurophysiology (Gentile, Petkova, Ehrsson 'Integration of visual and tactile signals from the hand in the human brain: An fMRI study').

November 23rd. Henrik Ehrsson gives the lecture "Brain mechanisms of body ownership" at Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris as part of a symposium devoted to cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology ("Journée Jean-Louis Signoret").

November 13th - 17th. Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego. We have two presentations. Valeria Petkova will present her poster "My perspective matters: The feeling of ownership of an entire body depends on the visual first-person perspective" (Poster presentation nr. 93.3 at HHH30, Session from 13:00 to 17:00 on Saturday 13th. Presentation time is 15:00 to 16:00). Giovanni Gentile has an oral presentation "Multisensory integration and the space near the hand: an fMRI study" (Sunday Nov 14th, Session is 125 Multisensory interactions, between 08:00 and 11:15 am, his talk is 09:45 and 10:00)

October 29th. Ehrsson gives keynote lecture at Copenhagen Neuroscience day.

October 28th. Valeria Petkova give seminar at Brain Imaging Center at Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main. Title: Do I need a body to know who I am? Perceptual and neural mechanisms of body ownership.

October 14th. Chris Berger starts a six month research student project in our group.

September 26th - October 1st. Body representation workshop in Ascona, Switzerland: "Body Representation in Physical and Virtual Reality with Applications to Rehabilitation". We give one lecture (Ehrsson) and present three posters (Brozzoli, Guterstam & Schmalzl). Lauras poster gets an award as best presentation at the meeting!. For link click here click here.

September 8th - 9th. Stockholm Brain Institute retreat at Nynäshamn.

September 7th. The Brain, Body and Self Laboratory meets the artists Lundahl & Seitl for a art-and-science performance at the National Gallery in Stockholm. Here is the link to Lundahl & Seitl click here.

September 1st. Hiske van Duinen starts her postdoc in our lab!

July 7th. Mini-symposium on body-ownership at 7th Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS 2010) in Amsterdam. Speakers are Henrik Ehrsson, Olaf Blanke, Patrick Haggard and Amir Amedi.

June 22nd-26th. The 4th International conference on cognitive science', Tomsk, Russia; Henrik Ehrsson gives a keynote. link click here.

June 16th - 19th International Multisensory Research Forum in Liverpool, UK. Our lab had five presentations at the meeting. Claudio and Giovanni had two oral presentations, Arvid and Andreas had poster-presentations and Henrik had a talk in the symposia on the multisensory body representation (16th) with Amedi, Aglioti, Shore and others. link click here.

June 6th-9th The 'Enlighted Brain Nobel symposium' on consciousness at the Karolinska Institute. Ehrsson gives a talk. Click » pdf

May 7th. Ehrsson gives invited lecture and SweCog, the Swedish national graduate school in Cognitive Science.

May 4th. As part of the SBI scientific review Professors Mark Hallett (NIH, USA) and Ann Graybriel (MIT, USA) visits the lab. We exposed Ann to an exciting new illusion! For picture click » jpg

April 28th. Ehrsson gives talk at the Colloquium at Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück, Germany. link click here.

April 20th. The lab moves and expands! We move to the A3 corridor of the Retzius laboratory and our lab space will double (to 160 sq metres). We will get a larger virtual reality room, larger behavioral testing room, new neurophysiological lab with state-of-the-art TMS system, and three separate rooms for fellows.

April 15th. Henrik Ehrsson gives an invited lecture at the 'Towards a Science of Consciousness Conference in Tuscon, USA. link click here. For picture click » jpeg

April 6th. Laura Schmalzl starts as postdoc in the lab.

March 18th Department of Neuroscience retreat.

March 3-6th. Ehrsson participates in the Human Frontier Science Programme "Frontiers 2010" meeting (Strasbourg, France). To see programme click » pdf

March 4-5th. Presenccia final review-meeting in Barcelona.

February 11th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lunch seminar at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet (1200-1300).

February 8th. Björn van der Hoort starts his 6 month internship with us.

February 2nd. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lecture at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Leipzig, Germany) "How we come to experience that we own our body" link click here.

January 28th. Hedvig Zetterberg joins the group to do a 6 months internship.

**** 2009 ****

December 17th. "Lab-julbord".

December 16th The Neuroscience Department Christmas party!

December 3rd. Lecture given by Henrik Ehrsson at the Department of Neuroscience and Physiology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

November 27th. Ehrsson gives keynote lecture at Conference on Multilevel Systems Analysis and Modeling of Somatosensory, Memory, and Affective Maps of Body and Objects, Venice, Italy. ink click here.

November 11th. A new postdoc confirmed to join our group in sep 2010. Hiske van Duinen is an expert on motor physiology and fMRI and is currently working with Prof.Simon Gandevia (Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Randwick, Australia).

October 29th. Valeria Petkova's half-time PhD seminar (1000-1200, Tellus B2:2, Retziuslab). Also, Lars Nyberg (Umeå University) visits our lab and give a departmental lecture (1500, Hillarpsalen) "Ongoing brain-imaging studies in the Betula Project: Within-person evidence for neural reorganization in relation to cognitive decline"

October 20th. BBC broadcast a new TV-production about consciousness (BBC Horizon, BBC2). The program features the out-of-body illusion and the body-swap illusion click here.

October 16th. Three new members of the lab confirmed! Dr. Claudio Brozzoli (INSERM, Lyon, France) and Dr. Laura Schmalzl (Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, Sydney) are two postdocs joining the group in early 2010, and Dr. Alexander Skoglund (Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems, Örebro University) is taking up a position as reseach engineer.

October 5th. Dr. Hiske van Duinen visits us and gives a seminar entiteled "Motor control of the human hand" (1230-1330, Retzius, Tellus B2:2). Hiske is currently based in Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Randwick, Australia.

October 3rd. Giovanni Gentile gives an oral presentation at the ESMRMB (European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology) 2009 CONGRESS, Antalya, Turkey. The title of the abstract is "Influence of sound localization on BOLD-signal in early auditory areas: a 7T fMRI study"

October 1st. Dr. Loretxu Bergouignan (CNRS Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, France) starts her postdoc in our group. Dr. Bergouignan is an expert on first person and third person perspectives in memory and cognition (for a recent publication click » pdf

September 29th. Dr. Ehrsson gives a departmental talk at the Central Institute of Mental Health, Department of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Mannheim, Germany. Host is Prof. Herta Flor. click here

September 25th. Henrik gives a public lecture at Researchers Night ("Forskarfredag") at Kulturhuset, Stockholm
» pdf

September 24th. Henrik gives a keynote lecture at the annual meeting of the Swedish Brain Power consortium; link click here.

September 23rd. Henrik Ehrsson gives a departmental seminar at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (Karolinska)

September 17th. Jen Chuen Hsieh and Li Fen Chen from Institute of Brain Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, visits our lab!

September 15th. Special day about illusions of will and choice blindness! Petter Johansson (Watanabe lab at the University of Tokyo), Lars Hall (Dept. Psychol. Harvard) and Andreas Olsson (Karolinska), original members of the "Lund Choice Blindness Group", visit our lab and present their latest studies!

September 8th. New publication in PLOS ONE: Petkova & Ehrsson "When right feels left: referral of touch and ownership between the hands". To read the paper go to this link click here.

September 7-8. The Stockholm Brain Institute retreat at Sandhamn. Invited keynote speaker is John O'Doherty (Caltec, USA) and Torsten Wiesel is special guest. Valeria gives oral presentation "Illusions of entire bodies". For photos and info check out this SBI Newsletter » pdf or look at the programme » pdf

26th Aug. Dr. Laura Schmalzl (Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia) visits our lab. She will also give a seminar entitled "Visual face and body perception: Neuropsychological and neuroimaging investigations".

1st Aug. Mr Giovanni Gentile starts his PhD training in our lab. Giovanni has a BSc in Engineering Physics (Turin, Italy) and a master in Medical Imaging from the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden).

July 14th. Dr. Claudio Brozzoli (INSERM, Lyon, France) gives seminar "Multisensory processing for perception and action".

July 9th. The lab's work on full-body illusions is featured on American CNN. To see the clip click here.

June 29th - 2 July. Valeria Petkova presents her new study ("When right feels left: referral of touch and ownership between the hands") at the 10th International Multisensory Research Forum in New York. To check out the event click here click here.

June 16th. Arvid Guterstam starts a 6 week summer research project on body ownership. Arvid is a medical student at the Karolinska.

June 12th. Henrik Ehrsson is invited to give keynote lecture at the Toward a Science of Consciousness 2009 conference, Hong Kong.

June 2nd 4th. Henrik Ehrsson speaks at the HFSP 20th Anniversary - 9th Awardees Annual Meeting in Tokyo Japan.

May 25th. Andreas Kalckert starts his PhD in our lab.

May 22nd. Dr. Ruthger Righart (Neurology and Imaging of Cognition Laboratory, University of Geneva) visits our lab and present his research in a semiar 'Top-down activation of fusiform cortex without seeing faces in prosopagnosia'

May 8th. Henrik Ehrsson gives a lecture at the annual NIH-KI GTPN (Graduate Training Partnership in Neuroscience) Research Symposium, NIH, Bethesda

May 4th. Dr. Loretxu Bergouignan (CNRS Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, France) visits our lab and give an open seminar 'Visual perspective & mental time travel: behavioural, MRI and fMRI studies'

April 22nd. Henrik Ehrsson gives keynote lecture at the FET09 conference in Prague. For details click click here.

April 17th. Prof. Keiji Tanaka (Riken, Japan) visits our lab. click
» pdf

April 16th. Henrik Ehrsson gives an public lecture (in Swedish) at the Karolinska Hospital Solna "Lämna din kropp!". Download the poster as pdf:
» pdf

April 3rd. Dr. Marta Garrido, Dept Psychology, UCLA, USA is visiting our lab and gives a seminar 'Dynamic causal modelling of evoked brain responses: a predictive coding account of unpredictable events'

March 30th. Dr. Corrado Corradi Dell'Acqua, SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy, visits the lab and gives a talk entitled "The Left Posterior Parietal Cortex Processes Spatial Relations among Body Parts".

March 20th. Henrik gives a plenary lecture at the annual HU Research Symposium (HURS) at University of Linköping.

March 16th. Dr. Jungang Qin, Department of Psychology, Peking University, visits our lab and gives a seminar 'How Human Make Judgments about Physical and Social Events------Some Examples from Social Neuroscience Approach'.

March 2nd. The president of the Karolinska Prof Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson visits our department and our lab. She will test the body-swapping illusion!

March 6th. Valeria organizes the "Day of Variety" at our Department. Contribute for this Departmental day with your own paintings, photography pictures, movies, music, singing, writings, cooking, handcrafting, knitting, sewing, dancing etc, etc, etc. There will also be party&pub later!

February 27th. New study published in Perception (Ehrsson 2009 "How many arms make a pair? Perceptual illusion of having an additional limb").

February 26th. Dr. Silke Atmaca visits our lab and gives a seminar 'Representation of actions that have yet to take place' click here.

February 19th. Two new job oppertunities in our group! One PhD position and postdoc position!

February 18th. Our recent paper in Brain [Upper limb amputees can be induced to experience a rubber hand as their own] has been selected for Faculty of 1000 Medicine. click here.

February 17th. Andreas Kalckert has accepted a four year PhD position in our group. Andreas will start in the early summer. He is currently finishing his master thesis in Cognitive Science at the University of Vienna, and has a B.Sc in neuroscience from the University of Cologne. Andreas has previously conducted interesting experiments on motor learning using TMS and behavioral experiments on synaethesia click here.

February 2nd. Ms Mehrnoush Khoshnevis joins the group to conduct a 6 month research project.

January 29th. Ehrsson gives talk at BILDLAB, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge

January 21st. New Scientist report on the finding that amputees can be induced to experience the rubber hand illuson. Click this link to read the report (and watch their video) click here.

January 14th. Henrik Ehrsson gives an invited lecture in the ABIM conference, Champéry, Switzerland

**** 2008 ****

December 23rd. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

December 19th. Valeria's "Body-Swapping" paper is featured on Faculty of 1000 Biology. Click link click here.

December 16th. Neuroscience Department Christmas Party!

December 2nd. The "Body-swapping" paper is published in PLOS ONE. The story is featyres in New Work times and National Geographic TV. To see the video produced by Associated Press:click here.

December 2nd. Ms Jill Leiser joins the group as laboratory coordinator.

November 25th. Dr. Ehrsson gives a public seminar at the DANA centre in London, UK. For further details click here.

November 17. Ms. Valeria Petkova presents her poster "Body-swap illusion" at the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA. Her poster was covered by American Scientist ("Your Body is Mine", 17th Nov by Bruce Bower) Read article

November 12th. Dr. Ehrsson gives a talk at the Low Temprature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

November 7th. Dr. Michael Harvey joins the group to work on a multisensory integration project using voltage sensitive dyes and multiunit recordings.

November 4th. Body-swapping becomes a reality! Valeria Petkova gets her first paper accepted (Petkova, V.I. and Ehrsson, H.H. From where you standing: perceptual illusion of body-swapping. PLoS One, in press, 2008).

November 3-4. Dr. Ehrsson gives a key-note lecture at PRESENCE and the Science of Virtual Reality Meeting at the Technion in Haifa, Israel. For further details click here.

October 24th. Dr. Ehrsson gives key-note lecture at NOV2K conference, Novum Research Park in Flemingsberg, Stockholm.

October 19th. Amputees can be made to experience the rubber hand illusion! A new study accepted in Brain (Ehrsson et al. 'Upper limb amputees can be induced to experience a rubber hand as their own' Brain In Press)

October 2nd. Dr. Ehrsson gave a talk at The Oxford Autumn School in Cognitive Neuroscience ("Multisensory mechanisms of body ownership").

From October 1st we are moving to the Department of Neuroscience and setting up our lab here.

September 27th. Dr. Ehrsson gave a presentation at Dick Passingham's Festschrift, Dept. Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford. For picture of the event click » pdf

Page last modified: May 30 2024 13:16:39.